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Chartered flights departing from/to Japan

We arrange flights that are optimized to suit the style of your travel.
In addition to the models shown below, we will offer you the business jets most suitable for your travel plans regardless of whether you’re flying to nearby Asian countries, or to faraway the U.S. or Europe.

* Displayed cities are just examples. Flight destinations can be specified in accordance with your request.
*Actual flights may be affected by control-dictated routes, cruising speed, weather conditions, equipment options and other factors.


The Gulfstream G650 is a flagship aircraft that represents a new category of business jet.
It features one of the most spacious cabins you will find in a business jet, and remarkably improved cabin pressurization, ensuring that you will not feel tired even on long flights.
The rear of the plane can also be used as a private space. Another feature is high-speed flight, in some cases resulting in long-distance flights that are 30 to 60 minutes shorter than regular services. This means you can fly to your destination faster and in greater comfort.


The Gulfstream G550 is a byword for business jets around the world.
The inside of the cabin is made bright by the Gulfstream’s 14 large circular windows.
You can also enjoy great comfort in the cabin thanks to air-conditioning that replaces cabin air with 100% outside air once every two minutes, as well as stable vibration-free aviation resulting from high-altitude cruising.
Relax in the G550, with its excellent functionality and comfort.